Ramona’s Test Page
“Success is built on the dream of those who seek to serve others.”
Evelyn Joppa
National Convention 2022
August 11 – 20th, 2022
Mid – Winter Conference 2023
Butte, Mt. July4, 2021
Message from Our National President:
Happy Valentine’s Day! May you be blessed with love, flowers, and chocolate!
As I write this, we are experiencing a bit of unusually cool weather in Florida. Snow and cold blanket the rest of the country while we are still climbing into the sixties. Remember spring is coming, hopefully sooner than later.
The National Salute to Veteran Patients is in normal times celebrated around the week of February 14th. Our VAVS (CDCE) MCLA Representatives & Deputies help supply the need to uplift the veterans. Please support these dedicated volunteers by asking the needs of the center near your unit. Due to social distancing rules, the format has changed. Special thank you to these volunteers who do keep the VA happy with assistance all year.
We are gearing up for Mid- Winter. If you have not made reservations, you can still register until Feb 4th. Time is short to attend Mid-Winter in Norfolk, VA. Not only will you see your national officers in action, but Ramona Smith, our National Secretary, will be joining us. Come meet the gal with the cheery voice that keeps our national office fine-tuned.
The Ship’s Store will be located on the 4th floor in the in the Brandon Room. Look for the flyer from the committee for new items. MCLA General Meeting room will be on the 4th floor in the Claremont Room, and MCLA Pre Board meeting will be held in the 4th Greenaway Room. The revised Agenda will be included in this newsletter.
It will soon be time for the annual committee reports from each unit. All forms are on the website under Volunteer Forms (https://nationalmcla.org). Please read the forms carefully to make sure you are taking credit for all your unit members are doing and be sure the information you are reporting is as accurate as possible. This information is reported to the Marine Corps League each National Convention. Our auxiliaries do a lot for our Marines, veterans, and communities; and the League is always impressed by all you do. Continue to report all the wonderful things your members have accomplished.
Let us be ever mindful of the needs of our members and their families. Many hardships have occurred this past year. Always keep members and family and our service men and women in prayer.
Look forward to seeing you at Mid-Winter. “Safe Travels!”
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much! (Helen Keller)
Success is built on the dreams of those who seek to serve others!
Semper Fidelis,
Evelyn B Joppa
“Success is built on the dreams of those who seek to serve others!” ejb
We Are:
- Patriotic – Preserving the traditions and promoting the interests “of the United States Marine Corps”; maintaining true allegiance to American Institutions.
- Historic – Holding sacred the history and memory of the men and women who have given their lives to this Nation; perpetuating the history of the United States Marine Corps by observing the anniversaries of historical occasions of interest to the Corps.
- Fraternal – Creating camaraderie between the Marine Corps League and Auxiliary; voluntarily aiding and assisting Marines and Veterans as well as their families; decorating graves of deceased Marines whenever possible.
- Educational – Striving for passage of legislation favorable to the United States Marine Corps and the Marine Corps League and its personnel.
- Eligibility –
- Regular Members– Wives, Widows, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Daughters, Granddaughters, Stepmothers, Stepsisters, Daughters-in-Laws, Aunts, Nieces, Mothers-in-Law, Sisters-in-Law of a (current or former) Marine or a US Navy FMF Corpsman or FMF Navy Chaplain, eligible to belong to the Marine Corps League, Inc., and Women Marines. Must be over 16 years of age.
- Associate Members – Women not meeting the above requirements may join as
associate members. Must be over 16 years of age.
Check out Facebook!
Check out our Facebook page to see what’s going on with events. As in most cases I am sure there will be plenty of discussion regarding the convention and many other things. You can also catch the info on the home page of site. Click the link below for the Facebook page.